Day 144 – Bagel and Fruit

It doesn’t get much easier than the classic PB&J, like in yesterday’s lunch. Except for maybe today’s lunch – Bagel and butter. We don’t use a lot of butter in this house…well, actually it’s Earth Balance Soy-Free Dairy-Free Buttery Spread…a whole tub will last us many months. We almost never have bagels either. However, when we do have bagels, M likes them simply with butter. And NOT toasted. At least this is a whole wheat bagel. Lots of healthy fruit and veg on the side and he will be one happy camper at lunch time!


Whole Wheat Bagel w/ Earth Balance Buttery Spread, Red Bell Pepper Strips, Pluot Plum Slices, Clementine Segments

Think Outside the Sandwich Bread.

I know many of you have already started your school year.  M doesn’t go back until next Wednesday, but here are a few pictures from his lunches last year to get you started.Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 2.07.10 PM

Whole wheat bagel with almond butter and fig jelly, whole wheat bagel with almond butter and strawberry jelly, red and yellow pepper strips, cantaloupe chunks, string cheese and 2 Trader Joe’s Cinnamon Schoolhouse cookies.


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A2Z Muffin from My Beef with Meat cookbook, orange slices, cantaloupe chunks and sweet green peas.


Do you have little ones back to school already? What have they been enjoying for lunch so far??  I’d love to hear from you in the comments section!